We’ve all seen the news and are up to date with the world situation right now with all the surrounded negativity, we need to find efficient ways to study or work from home.
Online courses can be more convenient and are usually much cheaper. However, concentrating can be difficult when you’re in your own home. But here are some key tips on how to keep your study focus while taking classes from home:
Create a study schedule
Set a time to join into your online classes each day. Use an alarm, a reminder, whatever is convinent for you. Proper time management is essential.
One may have some regular lecture times they need to attend, but one should also make time on their own end for review. This is especially important if you’re required to review some of the course materials on your own.
Use calendars, post-it notes and reminders
Online learning needs structure. Create a study calendar that will help one remember all the important exam dates and deadlines for submitting your assignments. One can save their calendar on the computer or mobile device. One can even create a wall planner if they are more of a visual type of person, which they can mark up and check every time you study.
Take advantage of productivity apps
We live in the digital age. Whatever is needed to do, there’s probably an app that can either do it for you or make it a lot easier. These productivity extensions and applications make studying or working less of a hassle. They help to track us the progress, manage tasks, set reminders, or make other apps work the way you want.
There are numerous productivity apps out there. Here are only a few examples:
- Any.do, Todoist
- Google Calendar
- Gmail, Outlook
- Notion
- Evernote
- Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox
- Slack
- KanbanFlow, Trello
Avoid distractions
If one want to work or study efficiently, it’s important to keep away any object that can distract them. For example, try to leave you phone in another room or behind your laptop or monitor so you won’t be tempted to scroll through your feed on Facebook or Instagram.
Find a routine that works for you
In the morning try to schedule the main tasks of the day. Use your favourite time management app or sticky notes to decide when you’re going to study, when you’ll take breaks, and how you’ll reward yourself for each completed task.
Also, don’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes, you’ll only finish 2 important tasks out of the 5 set for the day. That’s okay. Experiment and find a rhythm that works for you. Try the 2-day rule, for instance. It’s a simple method to build healthy habits.
Create a dedicated study space
Create a place that you only associate with studying or working; it will help you get into a productive state easier.
A simple table and a comfortable chair can make the cut. But make it illuminated – light up a candle or find the spot in your home that has the perfect lighting and enjoy the sun. Don’t forget to personalise the study place. Add motivational quotes, pictures whatever works for you.
Stay in touch
Studying on campus or working in an office can be particularly fun if you enjoy socialising during breaks. Why not do the same while studying online or working from home?
One can create a group chat where everyone can log in during breaks and make the most of your free time by talking to the people you miss. Maybe you want to show them your pet or your new funky quarantine haircut – just make sure you turn that camera on so you can keep it fun and personal.
Studying from home doesn’t have to be boring or unnecessarily complicated. One can combine these suggestions with their own tips and tricks and create a schedule that would make even the most productive entrepreneurs jealous.
Remember to take regular breaks and use your free time for the things that make you smile and lift your mood. It can be anything from cooking, playing video games, finishing an online course, you name it. There are a lot of things you can do during the quarantine, so make this an excellent time for your development on all levels.
Ans Take up a relaxation practice. When stressors throw your nervous system out of balance, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can bring you back into a state of equilibrium. Regular practice delivers the greatest benefits, so see if you can set aside even a little time every day.
Ans Model good practices such as sneezing or coughing into your elbow and washing your hands, especially for younger family members. Don’t stigmatize your peers or tease anyone about being sick; remember that the virus doesn’t follow geographical boundaries, ethnicities, age or ability or gender.
Ans While gym and group classes may be out, you can still cycle, hike, or walk. Or if you’re stuck at home, look online for exercise videos you can follow. There are many things you can do even without equipment, such as yoga and exercises that use your own bodyweight.